Read Story Potential - Season 1 - Episode 9

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  Date Added: December 19, 2024

The morning air was warm and flush with moisture. Evan put the car windows down and pulled out of Jason's driveway, thinking about what had happened. Becky's shirt had been pulled up, and his hands were fixed on her bare ass, lifting her. She was doing a vertical dry hump on his groin. He was hunching grinding his erection on her pubic bone.

There was noise in the kitchen. It had to be Becky's mother. Every kid knows what to do when there is a chance they could get caught doing something wrong. It's a trained response. Evan ignored it and lifted Becky so he could cram his dick into her pussy. Wasn't it sick needing to have his cock in the same hole Jason's had been in?

Becky cried out, "Do it, fuck me," and Evan came to his senses. Jason was rubbing off on him, but Evan still thought he had a conscience.

When Evan reached the four-lane, he pulled the leg opening of his shorts aside, exposing his cock and balls to the sun. It made him uncomfortable driving down the road that way, but the warmth felt good. His sack expanded then contracted because of the disturbed airflow in the car. A pleasant tingle in his rolling balls moved up into his groin. He touched the sun heated flesh and blood surged into it. His cock jerked against his inner thigh.

At a red light, Evan realized another car was pulling up on his left. He wasn't an exhibitionist, so he reached for his raging hard-on, but instead of concealing it, he whipped his dick, slapping the head against the bottom of the steering wheel. Too bad he hadn't brought Becky's panties with him. No, it was better knowing she would discover them filled with his cum unless Jason or Miss Mary found them first. Dann panty fetish.

Evan glanced to his left and saw a woman in the passenger seat. He presumed it was her husband driving and the young girl in the back seat was their daughter. She was too young for him, but she was cute. He smiled at her, and even though she couldn't see it, he squeezed his boner. willina her to know what he was doing. The airl smiled back.

boner, willing her to know what he was doing. The girl smiled back, and so did her mother. The husband drove away, unaware of the special moment Evan had shared with them. Evan's psyche had been altered when he watched his best friend fuck his sister. Now his deviant sexual fantasies were starting to manifest in the real world, and he was getting more comfortable with them.

When Evan drove away from the red light, he was ready to fuck the first person he saw

when he got home. Two wrongs didn't make a right, but knowing Jason was ramming the mule

into Becky made what he had done with Deana seem okay. They kissed. God, kissing Deana

was what Evan imagined smoking crack would be; you get hooked and will do anything to get

more. If Deana was crack-"The Messiah is my sister, ain't no king man she's my queen."-

what was sex with Candy? Evan shivered at the thought of having to live with Candy, Deana, and Gloria.

Deana looked over her shoulder at her image in Rebecca's mirror. "It doesn't fit," she said. "My ass got bigger."

Rebecca faced her and grabbed her butt. "It got better," she said and tumed the stretched bikini into a thong. 'I wish I had your bubble butt."

Deana smiled. "You do, anytime you want it."

When they stopped kissing, Rebecca said, "Let's go to the mall tomorrow and find something that does your body justice. I could use an upgrade, too."

"Not a bad idea," Deana sald.

"Maybe my mother can drop us off; then we'll only have to ride the bus home."

"Cool,' Deana said and picked up one of Rebecca's tank top dresses. "I'm gonna throw this on and wear it home. Do you mind?"

"No, but why? You wearing your bikini home?"

"Yup," Deana said, smugly. "When I get home, and my mother sees most of my ass hanging out of this bathing suit, she'll offer me money before I have to ask.

"I love the way you think."

Deana put the dress on and stuffed her clothes in her overnight bag. Her girlfriend's expression turned glum and questioning. 'Reb, I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I understand, but think about what said."

"I am," she said. "Don't worry, you can still have your birthday present."

Rebecca's expression turned hopeful. 'No, that's okay. I don't-"

"I promised, and know you," she said. "I"

"You're the best, Dee, the best.

Mary Barnes was holding a prescription bottle in one hand and its information pamphlet in the other. Her eyes were scanning the side effects that she already knew well. It was the ones the pharmaceutical companies and the doctors didn't speak of that complicated matters. She had to make a decision.

A preacher's voice shouting from the pulpit played in her mind, "Do the right thing, and you'll be blessed..." Her father was the pastor, and to him, it was cut and dry, and he was always right. Too bad the pastor's daughter had been discovered in the choir loft with her dress up, her panties down, and Elizabeth's face stuffed between her legs.

The only hope for Mary was to repent and change her ways, or she'd burn in the eternal fire. Under the pretense of protecting the girls from shame and embarrassment, the lesbian activity was kept in the closet. If Elizabeth changed her ways and kept her mouth shut, there wasn't any need to tell her parents. For the rest of Mary's fourteenth vear. her parents rained fourteenth year, her parents rained fire and brimstone down on her. Her mother's favorite saying was, "Don't you understand you have to hold yourself to a higher standard? You're the pastor's daughter."

Mary believed in her heart that she could act right, be a perfect young lady and make her parents proud to have her sitting in the front row of the church. What went wrong?

What was simple, obvious, and easy to accomplish for Mr. Barnes, the preacher man, was complicated, hazy, and impossible for a neglected teenage girl with impulse control disorder. Had Mary's parents known, they surely would have taken her to a doctor for the medication she needed. Wouldn't they have?

Betsy Sue's father was a farmer, and Elizabeth and Betsy were also friends. Who needs a choir loft when you have a hayloft? All was well, and Mary made it to her seventeenth year of life without getting caught in church without her underwear, engaging in lesbian activities or giving head to the boys at school. There were some close calls, but Mary avoided bringing shame to her family or jeopardizing her father's job. Shouldri't that have counted for something?

"You vile creature, you have a devil in you." Mary believed her father when he said that They disowned her because she wouldn't turn on Deacon Saul, the father of the baby that was in her. It must have been Mary's fault that he fucked her, after all, she was a bad girl and a disgrace to her parents and God. She left home before her eighteenth birthday with the money she saved from summer jobs and babysitting, and without a family. Mary married the first asshole who told her he loved her.

Seventeen years had passed without a word from the preacher and his wife, but because of a lesbian on the TV show, The Voice, Mary was thinking about them with a new degree of disdain. Good for her, Mary thought, outing those haters on national TV.

Previous Episode 8