Tears Of Summayah

Born in Sokoto, Nigeria, Summayah was a simple, hard-working girl, content to lead an ordinary life of honest work. Like any other young woman at the raw age of fifteen, her head was filled with dreams of where her life might take her, fantasies of the possibilities that awaited her....
All the while unaware that the happy life she led wasn't hers to dream about.
Summayah's fate was sealed before she was even born.
All Summayah wanted from life was the freedom to be all that she could be, the freedom to pursue an education so that she would have the opportunity to share it with others. But life had other plans for her.
Her father had bound her to an arranged marriage before she was even born, shackling her without her knowledge. He was not a cruel man; He didn't want her bound at such a young age, no true father would. But in his eyes, it was the best and safest path for his daughter.
Now he only had to find a way to tell her...
Last Five Episodes....